Saturday, September 19, 2009

Black Sea, Caucasus: U.S. Moves Missile Shield South And East |

Black Sea, Caucasus: U.S. Moves Missile Shield South And East. Major Polish daily newspaper revealed last month 09/08 that possible locations for U.S. missile shield components would be Israel, Turkey and the Balkans.

Reports are that the Pentagon is to begin the deployment of missile-killing warships in the Mediterranean and North Seas. The Norwegian, Barents, Baltic and Black Seas may not be far behind.

Black Sea, Caucasus: U.S. Moves Missile Shield South And East |

Thursday, September 17, 2009

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans

NO TO WAR ! Thank you, Mr. President Obama! No missile shield costly war preparations in Europe. Now Russia will not deploy it's missiles in Kaliningrad either. Stop the mad expensive wrong republican right wing war empire war games, war preparations, war colonial aggressions! PEACE! If it goes like this, Russia may not deploy missiles in Venezuela

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans -

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two. Eastern Europe drawn apart? The history.


Russian media has aired a string of accusations against Poland, claiming that Warsaw intended to collaborate with Hitler in an invasion of the Soviet Union, and that Jozef Beck, Poland's foreign minister in 1939, was a German agent.
Moscow broadcasters have also claimed that there was a "German hand" in the 1940 Katyn massacre of thousands of Polish PoWs, an atrocity generally held to have been the exclusive work of Stalin's secret police.

On the morning, 4:45 am, of September 1, 1939, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein ushered in WWII when it opened fire on the 180-strong Polish contingent stationed on Westerplatte

contentious Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, signed between Stalin and Hitler in August 1939. A pact of mutual non-aggression that lasted until 1941, it allowed Russia to invade and annexe Eastern Poland.

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's president, also labelled attempts in the Baltic states, which were also invaded under the pact's terms, to equate Hitler with Stalin as a "cynical lie".

An open letter yesterday from Mr Putin, in which he appeared to strike a more conciliatory note.

"Our duty is to remove the burden of distrust and prejudice left from the past in Polish-Russian relations," wrote Mr Putin, who went on to describe the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as "immoral", and also thanked Poland "from the bottom of my heart" for the 600,000 Poles who fought on the Eastern Front under Red Army command.

Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two - Telegraph

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nano-thermite took down the WTC. 9/11 Controlled Demolition.

"THERE IS no doubt THAT 3 TOWERS WERE demolished ON 9/11 WTC"

"a masterpiece of demolition" - 9/11 science verdict

Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama White House Versus CIA - Panetta has reportedly chafed at reporting through the director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair.

- according to the senior adviser who said Blair is equally unhappy with Panetta."

"Profanity-laced screaming match" at the White House involving CIA Director Leon Panetta, and expected release of another damning internal investigation about torturing detainees during interrogations

Panetta was reportedly upset over plans by Attorney General Eric Holder to open a criminal investigation of allegations that CIA officers broke the law in carrying out certain interrogation techniques that President Obama has termed "torture."

~ Cia should investigate, or be investigated, as to who and how carried out 9/11 nanothermite controlled demolition attacks

Obama White House Versus CIA - ABC News:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bizarre new sea creatures that fire flares to scare off predators uncovered in the Pacific. When threatened, the worms release fluid-filled balloons.

When threatened, the worms release fluid-filled balloons that suddenly burst in a flare of bright light

The centipede-like worms have largely transparent bodies coated with detachable 'green bombs'

Hundreds of the worms were found in the deep Pacific Ocean

Balloons suddenly burst into bright light, glowing intensely for several seconds before fading
Seven species of the worms were collected from depths of between 1km and 4km off the Philippines, western U.S. and Mexico. ...... We found a whole new group of fairly large, extraordinary animals that we never knew anything about befor

Green bombers: Bizarre sea creatures that fire flares uncovered in the Pacific
| Mail Online

Monday, August 3, 2009

Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

National Parks USA -

9/11 WTC is a controlled demolition - per irrefutable scientific evidence - - - -

Sunday, April 5, 2009

President Usa Obama v Praze. Odkazy, fotky, text projevu.

Privitan na letisti presidentem Klausem, min predsedou v demisi Topolankem. Odmitl navecer veceri, zustal u soukrome straveneho casu v hotelu.


President odmitl statni obed i veceri s Topolankem i Klausem. Jeden z duvodu muze byt, vedle Topolankova projevu v EU parlamentu a slova o "ceste do pekla" statni pomoci ci defacto znarodnovanim bank a podniku, i fakt, ze Obama si je vedom, ze Cechy, Ods, staly za jeho republikanskym souperem McCainem, a Klaus, se svou protioteplovaci politikou, se take zamlouva vice republikanum, je jejich hostem, jakoz i knize Swarzenberk Cernokopec.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Topolanek ve svetovych mediich - ABCnews, Australie, dalsi.

PM Topolanek v projevu k Evropskemu Parlamentu nazval plan presidenta Obamy na boj s krizi "cestou do pekla".

Drive se svetova media zase zajimala o ceskou scenu, kdyz reporter neopatrne fotografoval Topolankovo decko v kocarku, a ten ho trochu postrcil.
Toto video bylo po 3 hodiny nejsledovanejsim videem na BBC, celosvetove!

EU president Topolanek calls Obama's plans to spend his way out of recession 'the road to hell'.

dalsi odkazy
Cechy a svetova media - Czech republic in world media - RSS feed of Google Czech news
O projevu pana Topolanka pise prominentne treba i Australie. 

Ja sam projev nebudu kritizovat. Jakepak politikareni. Reknete jim to naplno.
Alespon se republika dostane do zprav, kdyz uz normalne, jinak, pozitivne to v dnesnich mediich nejde.

Problem muze byt, ze PM Topolanek mluvil vice "za sebe, za CR" nez v roli predsedy EU.

Dalsi problem je v tom, ze USA opravdu nemaji mnoho jinych sanci, nez masivne a draze vladou podporit kolabujici prumysl. Mnozi sice zastavaji nazor "nechat to vse padnout", ale i kdyz reseni to take je, stalo by to vice, zpusobilo by to vice skod.

On divoky kapitalismus proste sam od sebe nefunguje.

V pripade Usa je treba vice regulace, a pres Obama se ji jiz snazi zavest, vedle masivni pomoci vlady krachujicim bankam a autoprumyslu.

V pripade Evropy jde o to, ze je vystavena tezkym ztratam americkych bank, a ztratam z kolabujiciho exportu do Usa. EU naleha na zvyseni regulace a pravidel pro financni prumysl, nepodporuje vladni pomoci formou daru kolabujicim podnikum. Sama je totiz nema.

Cechy pak by nemely vetsinove prodavat velke strategicke podniky, a vlada dohlizet a podporovat rozvoj prumyslu. Obnovit velke narodni podniky. 51% statni.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Zlociny kapitalismu. Drogy. Nejzdrogovanejsi mladez Evropy - ceska. Pozor na ten divoky kapitalismus.

Kokain je stale vice pouzivan v Ceske Republice, podle Ceske Policie.

Kazdy treti navstevnik diskotek ho zkousil zneuzit.

Pervitin je ale stale drogou nejpouzivanejsi.

Cesi do 24 let patri k nejvetsim uzivatelum marihuany, 28% z nich ji pouziva.

Druha studie, Evropskeho drogoveho centra, zminena dole, zase rika, ze kokain je v Cechach vzacny.

Cocaine, in Czech nicknamed ‘koks’ or ‘kokes’ (cockesh) – those words are, according to police, used increasingly often.
They also state every third person who like dance parties have experiences with it. ‘Ecstasy is out, cocaine is in’.
The increased demand came with increased supply, and prices of the drug went down. Still, Pervitin (metal-amphetamine) is the most widespread drug of this kind in Prague, but Cocaine is no longer the drug of only the rich.

Druha studie

The annual report 2007, published by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction yesterday, has revealed Czechs younger 24 years are among the top European consumers of cannabis with 28% of smokers.
Ganja is at the same time the most widespread drug of Prague and the Old Continent alike.

The annual report also finds out cocaine is staying out of the Czech Republic, its abuse is rare. It is partly because of the Czech speed Pervitin (metal amphetamine) took its place of ‘the fast drug’, and because its greatest abuser is traditionally the USA, which leaves all other continents behind.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ma vlada podporovat zemi ktere vladne?

Samozrejme ze ano. Proto byla zvolena.

Podporovat svuj narod, prumysl, prosperitu. Vytvaret a dohlizet na dobry, pevny pravni ramec a prostredi vedouci k vseobecnemu pokroku a rozvoji.

O co se jedna? Nezkorumpovane nemonopolisticke trzni hospodarske prostredi. Pristupny system zdravotni pece se statnim dohledem. Dobry system skolstvi a vyuky.INVESTICE do hospodarstvi.

Nikoliv volne trzni rozkradani po stamilionech. Otazkou nyni je, jak to zabezpecit.
Mezi konkretni kroky nyni bude tedy patrit nikoliv kdo dostane odmenu pul miliardy, nybrz rizeni a rozvoj prumyslu zeme.

Okamzite obnoveni ci pomoc -soukromy se statni ucasti- podnikum LIAZ, PRAGA, TATRA, ZETOR, Liberta, Favorit, Botas, Ceska Zaoceanska plavba, a podobne. Ve svete existuje mnoho trhu, ktere vyrobky techto firem potrebuji a jsou ochotne je ihned kupovat.

Okamzite obnoveni podniku TESLA s programem osobni pocitace, mobily, prenosne pocitace, a ostatni elektronika a programove vybaveni.

Podporovat sireni a nemonopolni ceny spojeni rychleho Internetu.

Kdyz to dokazi Korejci, se svetovymi konglomeraty Samsung, KIA, Hyundai, LG, HTC a mnohe dalsi, ktere pred 20 lety ani neexistovaly, PROC by to neslo v Ceske republice??

Kdyz to dokaze Sony, Phillips, Nokia, Motorola, Apple, proc by to nedokazala ceska dumyslnost, soukroma ceska iniciativa podporovana statem, pokud nutne. A to v pripade maleho statu prechazejiciho ze statniho hospodarstvi potrebne je.

Nebo jsme ona levnejsi pracovni sila v ne zcela vyvinute zemi, za niz nas cast zapadni Evropy chce pokladat??

Nakupy uzemni investicni
Z minulosti je znamy pokus o odkoupeni male casti Chorvatskeho pobrezi, nebot je mezi Cechy velmi v oblibe a prijizdi tam mnoho Ceskych turistu. Bylo by vhodne pokus o transakci obnovit. Podporit anebo prime vykoupeni exkluzivnich rekreacnich mist republiky, jako jsou Karlovy Vary.

Dale, jsou nabizeny k prodeji do soukromeho vlastnictvi ostrovy, male ci vetsi v Tichem i ostatnich oceanech sveta.Cesky stat by mohl a mel nektere z nich odkoupit, a postoupit uzivani obcanum, podle urcite predem dohodnute formule. Zejmena nyni, kdy je svetovy kapitalisticky hospodarsky system v tezke krizi, by ostrovy mely byt k mani se slevou.

Pojdme vystavet silny, moderni stat - vzor a vudce Evropy. S bankovnim systemem konkurujicim svycarskemu. Se silnym ceskym prumyslem a zemedelstvim, tak jak tento stav existoval jiz drive.

Bylo preci hloupym pivnim zlocinem stoleti prodat ceske pivo do cizich rukou. A pak si jeste mnout ruce vlastni!

Petr Buben